
In DIY/ Party

Bottle Cap Tea Lights

A few weeks ago, I came across Craftaholics Anonymous’ fantastic tutorial on how to make these sweet, little bottle cap tea lights. I already had all the materials except for the pre-waxed wicks (which I picked up from Hobby Lobby,) so I was able to whip up a few the very next night.  And when I say I “whipped” these up, I mean it! These little treasures took about 20 minutes total and made a great addition to our Brew on the Roof Party.


Rather than melting crayons like Craftaholics Anonymous suggested, I used paraffin wax because it’s what we already had around the house.
bottlecap3tea lightstealights4

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  • Julie
    October 17, 2013 at 2:22 pm

    So smart and cute! What a great way to use the caps!

  • Linda
    October 17, 2013 at 4:42 pm

    Your candles turned out great! Thanks for linking back!
    happy crafting,

  • Sheth's Perspective
    October 24, 2013 at 1:17 pm

    This could come in handy during Diwali time in India! 🙂

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