A final little project I’m sneaking in the back hall here is a wood top for the knee wall ledge that runs along the basement stairs. The painted ledge that was there was gross and ugly, so lucky for it we had some walnut herringbone top left over from the Floating Media Console Project just sitting in the basement.
That single Mukluk boot in the image above kills me. I wonder why there was just one?? LOL.
Here’s a run down of the knee wall facelift:
First, we cleaned and painted the knee wall with Kilz Color: Tea Set White.
Next, we took measurements of the existing knee wall top and marked out guidelines on the walnut top for trimming it down.
We positioned the walnut top on two saw horses and used a 2×4 clamped onto the top to act as a guide for making our cuts with the circular saw.
Then we attached the top to knee wall with liquid nails.
Lastly, we sealed it with a satin polyurethane to make it wipeable.
Read more about our back hall transformation here!
Meryl King
July 3, 2018 at 9:13 pmErin this looks lovely!!!!

August 7, 2018 at 1:04 pmThank you so much Meryl!