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4 Ways to Make the Most of Daylight Savings

I’m not a huge fan of the dark, dreary nights of winter that are inevitably headed our way, but I am in favor of the additional hour and extra bit of morning daylight (how ever short lived it might be) that comes along with Fall’s Daylight Savings. Here are a few good-for-you ideas for making the most of that extra hour.

1. Make this extra hour about you. Instead of sleeping in on Sunday or throughout the week, get up when the sun dawns,  brew a hot cup of coffee or tea and read up on your favorite blogs, follow up on personal emails or paint your toes! I’m loving Butter’s La Moss Oxblood Nail Lacquer with Matte Finish Top Coat. Both are paraben, sulfate, and formaldehyde free.

2. Go for a run or walk. Ken and I always make grand plans the night before to go for a run in the morning, but it usually ends up being a brisk walk with a thermos of coffee in hand. Not only are we jump starting our metabolisms, but it’s also a good time to talk about the day ahead and check in with each other.

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3. Focused Breathing. Some call it meditation, but I just think of it as a series of deep breathes that help me wake up, relax, and prepare for the day ahead. Simply close your eyes and take several deep inhales and exhales in a row. 5 minutes in the morning can do wonders for your well-being.

4. Stretch Out. I always used to think of stretching as something you only do before working out, but stretching when you wake up in the morning can have have serious health benefits including increasing blood flow to muscles and organs, i.e. your brain. Try these three morning stretches from Dr. Oz.

In case, during the week, your morning walk runs longer than expected or you lose track of time on your favorite blog, try to get your ducks in a row ahead of time:

  • Plan your outfit the night before, so you’re not scrambling to put an ensemble together in the morning.
  • Corral all your essentials (keys, phone, bag) in one spot so you can dash out the door without too much extra thought.
  • Tuck a granola bar in your purse the night before for breakfast. My favorite lately is Kind’s Almond and Apricot Fruit and Nut Bar.
  • If you bring lunch, have it packed and ready to grab and go.

I recognize that not everyone is a morning person like I am, so there’s no crime in using the extra hour to catch up on some much needed sleep! Either way, make sure to set your clock back on Saturday night.

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  • Amy @ Healthy and Fit for Real
    November 3, 2013 at 1:23 am

    Great ideas to start the day!

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