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Winter Bucket List

Francois Et Moi

Here in Minnesota, our winters can sometimes start to drone on.  6+ months of short, gloomy days and frigid temps really start to take their toll once the Holiday glow subsides. In preparation for the winter drudgery ahead, I’ve made a list of things I’d like to accomplish during the winter months in hopes that it will help keep my spirits up over the long haul. Below is the list so far. What’s on your to-do list this winter?

  1. Plan the details of our Spring trip abroad!
  2. Take swing dancing lessons.
  3. Learn how to make Norwegian Krumkake for Christmas.
  4. Take a ski weekend away in Lutsen, MN.
  5. Plan a spa day.
  6. Go snowshoeing after (or during) a good snowfall.
  7. Make a wool felt ball rug.
  8. Have an impromptu sledding party.
  9. Go ice skating at Rice Park in St. Paul.
  10. Learn how to make croissants from scratch via Craftsy.
  11. Go to the St. Paul Winter Carnival.

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  • Amy @ Healthy and Fit for Real
    November 13, 2013 at 12:56 am

    These are such great ideas- it gets tough to get through the winter here in MN and this might help!

  • Diana F+ Retrospective | francois et moi
    January 27, 2014 at 2:48 pm

    […] Though it was a silly cold day, Ken and I bundled up and headed out to the Winter Carnival in St. Paul on Saturday to check out the impressive ice sculpture display,  listen to the live band, sip hot cocoa, hang by the bonfire, and people watch. I hadn’t been in almost 10 years–since college! And, as you may remember, it’s on my Winter Bucket List for the season. Check out that list here. […]

  • Winter Bucket List: Update | francois et moi
    March 20, 2014 at 7:33 am

    […] nearing the end of winter–and we are nearing the end, right?–I took a look back at the Winter Bucket List I made last fall to create things to look forward to and work towards through the dark, snowy days […]

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