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I love New Years. Not because I like to dress up and sip cocktails with friends–although you may have gathered from my last post that I enjoy that piece of it too–I like New Years because to me its a symbol of new beginnings. It’s the start of a brand new year,  with new possibilities, wishes, adventures and challenges. It’s a blank book just waiting for you to write the chapters, and I find that so gosh-darn exciting!

At the end of our wedding day, a year and a half ago, we lit off (biodegradable) sky lanterns over Lake Superior as a symbol of happy wishes and new beginnings. I still remember what I wished for that night as Ken and I lifted our lantern off into the air together. It was a simple, but meaningful wish, and one that’s tied to the beautiful memory of watching the lanterns float up and away into the sky. Tonight as the ball drops at midnight and we say hello to 2014, I’ll be sending off a proverbial sky lantern packed with healthy, happy, and inspired wishes for all that’s to come in this fresh New Year. Here’s to 2014!


Photos By: Eric Lundgren Photography

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