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Low-Season Travel

Ken and I visited Zermatt, Switzerland in early May which is right in between the winter ski season and the summer glacier ski season. It wasn’t intentional to show up during the off-season, but based on the timing of the entire trip, it’s just the way the cookie crumbled. A few people had suggested skipping Zermatt because we were told everything would be closed and we really wouldn’t get the full Zermatt experience. However, I’m so glad we stuck to our original plan and went for it because there were some serious perks to visiting during off-peak.


1. ACCOMMODATIONS. We stayed at the beautiful boutique Hotel Post while in Zermatt, and since it was technically the off-season, we were able to book our stay at half price. Had it been high season, there’s no way we could have afforded this gem which included free use of their hotel spa, a view of the Matterhorn from our balcony (!!) and the most delicious gourmet breakfast two travelers could ever ask for.

2. SHOPPING. Boutiques were indeed open, and they were trying to move inventory between the two high seasons, so everything was on SALE!

3. SERVICE & ATMOSPHERE. Since it was a little bit quieter, there wasn’t that urgency or rush-rush that comes along with crowds. Restaurants and boutiques could offer more personal service, and there was no wait or lines for anything!


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  • Sarah
    June 16, 2014 at 11:32 am

    This place looks great! I live in France (Lyon) and am going to check the hotel site now. Thanks!

    • francoisetmoi
      June 29, 2014 at 7:54 pm

      Sarah, I hear wonderful things about Lyon! Is it your hometown or are you there for an extended stay?

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