
2 In Food/ Party/ Travel/ Uncategorized

Anchor(age) Away!

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Uffda, it’s been a busy week! Tonight Ken and I fly through the night to Anchorage, Alaska, to celebrate my cousin Julie and her husband John recently tying the knot! And while we’re at it, we plan to also celebrate the 4th of July with family and explore America’s last frontier–we’re going whale watching!

It’s our first time up there, so if you have a favorite restaurant, brewery, hiking trail or local shop, please let us know–we’d more than love your suggestion!

And with the 4th of July just 2 days away, here are three star-spangled links to get you party ready:


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  • Cristin B
    July 2, 2014 at 10:55 am

    I love Anchorage! I used to live in Alaska. Check out Midnight Sun Brewing Company for great beer. Marx Bros. Cafe was my absolute favorite dinner spot http://www.marxcafe.com/. Have fun!

    • francoisetmoi
      July 2, 2014 at 5:35 pm

      Thanks for the recommendations Cristin! We’ll definitely check these two out–Happy 4th!!

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