
In Style/ Travel

5 Parisian Shops I’m Dying to Visit

Lately I’ve come across several shops in Paris that have caught my eye, not only for their swag, but also their interior design and their neighborhoods. I’ve officially added them to my travel file and can’t wait to check them out next time we find ourselves in the City of Light!


Housed in a 19th century fabric factory, Merci is a 3-story design general store, if you will, showcasing products from all facets: apparel, furniture, home goods, and jewelry. Throw in a literary cafe and restaurant and you’ve got yourself a full afternoon in design heaven. The coolest part? They donate all their profits to charity!

Merci, 111 Boulevard Beaumarchais.

Photo via Sivan Askayo.


Okay so you can visit Le Labo in NYC, but how cool is their shop in the Marais? Not to mention their impressive host of naturally derived fragrances. Must go and smell the Rose 31.

Le Labo, 7 Rue Froissart

Photo via Vosgesparis.


La Droguerie. A Parisian craft supplies mecca for the crafting inclined. Need I say more?

La Droguerie, 9 Rue du Jour

Photo via Mokkasin.


Handmade in an antique Bastille workshop originally home to Napoleon’s silversmith, Astier de Villatte’s milky-white glazed black terracotta pottery celebrates classic forms inspired by 18th and 19th century pottery.

Astier de Villatte, 173 Rue Saint-Honoré

Photo via Le Petit Paris.


I’m craving a visit to the The Broken Arm, (an airy cafe turned airy cafe + boutique) as much for the fig tarts and gorgeous atmosphere as for the selectively curated (inedible) eye candy à la boutique. Notice the patterned tile floors on the cafe side?!?

The Broken Arm, 12 Rue Perrée

Photo via Jalouse.

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