
8 In DIY

2014 Holiday Moving Announcement Cards

Holiday Moving Announcement | Francois et Moi

This year, we thought we’d be extra efficient (or lazy!) and send out our (loooong overdue) moving announcement as our Holiday card. I loved the idea of a little red Fiat with an oversized tree strapped to the top of it, as it reminded me of the cute, little ride we saw outside MERCI in Paris this spring. I looked high and low, but couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I decided to source the images and design one myself!

Merci Fiat Paris | Francois et Moi

I compiled the graphics and text in Adobe Illustrator (Powerpoint would work too!) and then had them printed at my local printer. Sadly, I had to blur out our street address which kind of ruins the look of the card, but you see, it’s the internet, and so privacy measures are a must! Here were my sources for the cards:

Update: A few people have asked for card file without the personal information, so I’ve uploaded it HERE. Feel free to download and add your personal touches in Illustrator or Powerpoint!

2holiday-card-diy-francois-et-moiHoliday Moving Announcement | Francois et Moi

MERCI Paris Photo via Dallas Shaw. Follow on Bloglovin

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  • Miranda
    December 15, 2014 at 12:56 pm

    That is a seriously adorable little fiat (on the card and the real life one)! Very smart to mix your holiday and moving card together…

  • Meg
    December 18, 2014 at 9:52 am

    Brilliant and beautiful. Exactly what I have been looking for!!! Would you consider sharing your file (without your address and with some credit to you of course!)? Perhaps you have an Etsy shop where file templates can be purchased?

    • francoisetmoiblog@gmail.com
      December 18, 2014 at 12:18 pm

      Hi Megan! What’s your email? I’ll send it to you!

      • Meg
        December 18, 2014 at 12:50 pm

        Oh my goodness! You are so kind! my email address is melle3cp at gmail dot com. Huge thanks!

  • Melina
    November 13, 2016 at 5:37 pm

    Just came across this and I absolutely love it!!! Do you have this file for purchase? I am not too savvy on power point unfortunately 🙁

  • francoisetmoiblog@gmail.com
    November 14, 2016 at 8:25 am

    Hi Melina! I don’t have this file for purchase, just the downloadable file (linked at the bottom of the post) where you can add your personal address. I’m so sorry!

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