
In DIY/ Party

A Few Key Sources: Part 2


I’ve been meaning to post Part 2 of the DIY projects we did for our friend, Megan’s Shower for a while now (see Part 1 here), and I’ve finally got it all pulled together, so here we go!

I’m usually not a party favor kind of person for showers or weddings, but I came across this sweet flower favor idea over at Art Social. Have you checked out her blog? It’s pretty awesome. And Briony and I thought these would be fun for the shower, since flowers are something that can be enjoyed for a few days after the shower without adding long-term clutter to your home.

To keep the flowers hydrated, I picked up water tubes from my florist friend, Molly Yee, of Studio Emme, but you can also purchase them on eBay (see link below). I assembled the favors the morning of the shower to make sure the flowers stayed fresh until the end of the party when we’d hand them out. With a little help from Ken, the 10 favors came together in about an hour, and seemed to be a hit at the shower. Here’s how they came together:



Fresh Flowers | Water Tubes | Kraft Paper | Washi Tape

Step 1. Trim flower stems to desired length.

Step 2. Stick flower stem through the top opening on the water tube’s cap, and push the cap up the stem about 2″.

Step 3. Fill water tube 1/2 full, place stem into the water tube and secure the cap onto the tube. Repeat with all flowers.

Step 4. Cut kraft paper into rectangles. The sizing will depend on the length of the flower stems. The dimensions I used were roughly 15″ x 12″–the sizing doesn’t need to be exact.

Step 5. Roll each kraft rectangle into a cone shape and secure with a piece of washi tape.

Step 6. Place flower(s) in cone, and they’re ready to hand out as favors!


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  • Sandra from It's Tidy Time
    March 18, 2014 at 9:04 am

    Those flowers look incredible and I want to try that so bad now! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated your for a Liebster Award 🙂 You can read about it here: http://itstidytime.wordpress.com/2014/03/18/liebster-award-nomination/
    I hope you have a fabulous week!

    • francoisetmoi
      April 10, 2014 at 7:45 am

      Thanks Sandra! I’m working on my post, and will link to you when I have it up. Hope you have a fabulous week as well! Thank you again!!!

      • Sandra from It's Tidy Time
        April 10, 2014 at 7:47 am

        Sounds great! 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your week! Cheers love 🙂

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