
3 In DIY/ Interiors

Affordable & Thoughtful Art for Gallery Walls + An IGTV Tutorial

As I mentioned in our kid-friendly living room makeover, we switched out our beloved blanket ladder for a gallery wall + a place to park large toys. So, over Sylvie’s naptime a few weeks ago, I hung the gallery wall, and shared the process on my IGTV (the new Instagram component that allows you to share longer videos). I'm breaking down the affordable and thoughtful art that makes up the gallery wall in our living room. Make sure to check out the the IGTV video too!

I'm breaking down the affordable and thoughtful art that makes up the gallery wall in our living room. Make sure to check out the the IGTV video too!

Once I got everything hung, it dawned on me just how affordable the art was. Each piece was under $30. Affordable is great, but I think you also have to really love the art you hang in your home, right? Otherwise what’s the point? Your walls might as well be empty. So scroll down for some of the background on these 4 pieces.I'm breaking down the affordable and thoughtful art that makes up the gallery wall in our living room. Make sure to check out the the IGTV video too!

The Art:

Printable Matisse Sketches – Albeit, this is a print. Matisse’s visage sketches are some of my absolute favorite pieces of art, so to me, this print holds a lot of meaning.

Victoria Bradley Studio Figure  (similar)Victoria Bradley has a downright gift for capturing the female form with her pen and paint brush, and let’s be honest, no gallery wall is complete unless it includes a nude. She’s one figure artist you’ll definitely want to keep tabs on.

Block Shop Napkin – I’ve adored Block Shop Textiles for ages, which are hand block printed by 5th generation master printers in India. But I never could afford them until recently, when they  launched a tabletop collection with fabric napkins that are a wonderful size for gallery compositions. I used studio pins to pin it along the edges of the shadow box.

Golden Rule Tea Towel – This hand-screen printed linen tea towel is too gorge to dirty up in the kitchen, but perfect when framed up in our kid-friendly living room.

The Frames:

Large shadow boxes are hard to come by, so I was excited to find these for the napkin and tea towel which come in TONS of sizes and finishes. They’re pricey for having a foam core back panel, but the foam core ended up being perfect for tacking up the fabrics with studio pins. Overall, I’m happy.

Want to see more of this room? Come see the full living room.  Or simply peek at where I got everything from.

Thanks for reading!

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  • Diana Lopes
    August 20, 2018 at 9:40 am

    Looks lovely. I love the simplicity of it – it’d be perfect in my home office! Thanks for sharing.

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