
7 In DIY/ Interiors

Backyard ReDesign: Before & After Reveal

On the heels of the backyard inspiration I shared earlier this week, today is the final reveal of our backyard redesign! As you guys know, we partnered up with Apartment Therapy for a Renovation Diary this Spring, and you can read all about it here. I’m well aware that  everybody loves a good ‘before & after’ (including me!), so let’s just cut to the chase. Check out the backyard as it were when we purchased the home. Lots o’ potential, just needed some major lovin’.


Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space! Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space! Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space! Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space! Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!




Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!Image Credit: Kory Kevin Studio

Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!12-kory-kevin-studioImage Credit: Kory Kevin Studio

Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!Image Credit: Kory Kevin Studio  

Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!Image Credit: Kory Kevin Studio

Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!Image Credit: Kory Kevin Studio

Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!Image Credit: Kory Kevin Studio

We’re super happy with how everything came together, and want to extend a warm thanks to Apartment Therapy and Kory Kevin Studio (@korykevin) for collaborating with us on the project!

Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!GET THIS LOOK! Peek into our backyard for full before and after details of our backyard redesign, including where to source everything for your own outdoor space!


  1. Sconces
  2. Bistro Lights
  3. Gooseneck Light
  4. Blanket Throw
  5. Captain Dining Chairs
  6. Dining Table
  7. Patio Umbrella
  8. Adirondack Chairs
  9. Tall Black Planter
  10. Lantern
  11. Bistro Chairs
  12. Mat

 For more renovation projects check out our on-going Francois Renovates Series!


















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  • Courtney
    July 23, 2016 at 3:13 pm

    It looks AMAZING, Erin! You did a fantastic job! I am dying to re-do our backyard. It needs a complete overhaul, this is giving me major inspiration for it!


    • francoisetmoiblog@gmail.com
      July 23, 2016 at 3:57 pm

      Thanks Courtney! Woohoo! I can’t wait to see what you do in your outdoor space!!! xoxo Erin

  • Melle Blanche
    July 24, 2016 at 8:51 am

    It’s beautiful !
    perfect for barbecue and parties !

  • Build a Modern Grid Trellis from Garden Stakes - Francois et Moi
    July 27, 2016 at 7:59 am

    […] large, bare expanse of stucco just to the right of the back door. See before photos of our backyard HERE. My initial thought was that it was the PERFECT location for a pergola, and it is, but after […]

  • ashley@biggerthanthethreeofus
    August 1, 2016 at 7:34 am

    This looks amazing! Are you free to come and transform mine?

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