After a bit of radio silence during a non-stop busy week, I’m back today to #1) wish you a Happy Friday! YAY! And #2) share a fun interactive mannequin magnet project using mini artist’s mannequins from the art store (or you can also find them here!).
I created “dancing” themed mannequin magnets because I think the human form is really beautifully expressed through dance, but of course, they’re repositionable, so the poses in which they can strike are virtually endless.
The key to success here lies in the magnets. I’m talking the silver “super magnets,” not the black old school ones–they’re just not strong enough to hold up the mannequins.
- 5-1/4″ mini artist’s mannequins
- Spray paint or acrylic paint/paint brush
- Heavy duty magnets (Extra strength)
- Industrial strength clear drying adhesive
1. Remove the stand that the mannequin comes on by pulling and twisting the stand away from the mannequin.
2. Spray paint mannequin with desired color. A few coats are needed, and you’ll want to reposition the pose of the mannequin each time so that no natural wood is left showing at the end. Allow to dry completely.
3. Stack two magnets together. Using two magnets will provide more magnetic holding power, as well as give the mannequins a little more range of motion for creative poses on the refrigerator.
4. Apply a dot of adhesive to the mannequin’s back and adhere the magnets to the mannequin. Since the magnets are extra strength, which we need because of the weight of the mannequins, you’ll want to let the adhesive set for at least 6 hours before hanging them up on the fridge or any magnetic surface around the house!
P.S. Thank you Inkdot for the smashing Instagram Square Prints!