Do you ever get a wild hair to create with a certain technique or medium? That’s totally me right now with fabric. I seriously want to jump right into every project I see. I recently came across sunprint fabric, which is the technique of (you guessed it!) using the sun to print on fabric typically resulting in a rich blue & white surface design. And truthfully, all I hear is ‘blue and white fabric,’ and I’m sold! As we move into the season of longer days, I can’t wait to try out this technique. How luxe are those velvet botanical pillows?
I hope you too are feeling inspired by a certain something right now, or maybe find some inspiration with sunprint fabric. Either way, enjoy that weekend!
Cyanotype Seat Cover | Inkodye Napkins | Sunprint Tablecloth | Velvet Botanical Pillows
Find more DIY du Jour inspiration here!