
3 In DIY

DIY Woven Paper Basket for Design Sponge

This week brought on one of those “pinch me” moments when the tutorial I’d created for Design*Sponge went live on Wednesday. But to really explain the magnitude here, I need to step back. Design*Sponge began in 2004 and was really one of the first design blogs I had ever read.

Today, it’s an institution in the design/blog world, so when I saw the email come through asking if I’d be interested in working with them, my jaw hit the floor and then, of course, morphed into a huge smile as I looked up at Ken and said “Guess what!!”

DIY Paper Basket with Leather Handles for Design*Sponge | Francois et MoiThe basket itself is quite a budget project as kraft paper bags from the grocery are used to form the mass of it. Then any large leather belt will work for the handles. Mosey on over to Design*Sponge for the skinny!

Happy Friday You Guys!

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  • H.O.W Hands On Workshop
    June 20, 2015 at 1:29 am

    Hey great idea! I really like the idea of re-working the leather belts as handles. Handy tip!

  • tiffany
    June 27, 2015 at 8:47 pm

    Where’s the tutorial?

    • francoisetmoiblog@gmail.com
      June 28, 2015 at 11:07 am

      Hi Tiffany! Click on the Design*Sponge link at the bottom. It’ll take you to the tutorial.

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