

Easy Brass Hoop Earrings

As you guys MAY have picked up from my last post, I’m all about the brass these days. I love the warmth of the metal and the way it works with my favorite wardrobe color…blue!

DIY Brass Hoop Earrings | Francois et Moi Recently, I’d seen an upscale (read: $$$) pair of brass hoop earrings on Pinterest that looked like they’d–straight-up–been created by bending a piece of wire into a loop. And at that moment I thought to myself: A. Those are gorgeous, and B. I can bend wire. So I set out to make a pair for myself.

The total cost was under $10 bucks, and these minimalist brass hoops, literally, made up in 10 minutes. I used this non-tarnishing brass wire, and there’s enough on the roll to make several sets, so think Secret Santa gifts this year!

Head over to SheKnows for the full tutorial, ya’ll!

Easy Brass Hoop Earrings You Can Make | Francois et MoiBrass Hoop Earrings DIY | Francois et Moi




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