
In DIY/ Interiors

Francois About Town

TGIF! Amiright?! It’s been a super busy couple of weeks and an overall eventful Spring here at Francois et Moi, so I wanted to share a few our features that have surfaced around the interwebs, and extend a deep and hearty thank you to Domino, Design*Sponge & SFGirlByBay for featuring some of our work!! XOXO

Also, I’m excited to announce we’re redesigning our backyard outdoor space this Spring, and will be partnering up with Apartment Therapy to take you guys with us on every step of the project! Stay tuned for more details in the next few weeks!

I think that’s about it for announcements. Happy Weekend Everybody!

Francois About Town: Domino Mag Home Tour

Domino Home Tour: Minimalist Home Decor

Francois About Town: Design*Sponge, What's In Your Toolbox Feature

Design*Sponge: What’s In Your Toolbox

Francois About Town: SFGirlByBay Home Tour

SFGirlByBay: At Home with Francois et Moi



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