

Garden Refresh: Potting Bench & Garden Tool Makeovers

Get your potting bench and garden tools ready for planting with these easy garden refresh projects. Click for loads of inspiration and step-by-step tutorials!

garden potting bench, sage green, wood dowel hooks, terra cotta pots, paver patio ground, beige stucco home exterior, succulent planter, grid trellis above potting bench, vines growing up trellis

Winter is officially BEHIND us. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to say those words?! I’ve been scheming on this backyard potting bench project since the beginning of February, if that’s any indication.

I crossed paths with this garage work table while thrifting back in February. It’s a pretty simplistic table made entirely of 2×4’s and 2×6’s—nothing fancy with a ‘nothing fancy’ price tag too. But it’s a great height for standing + planting, the shelf below has lots of space for pots, tools, bulbs, etc. and the front apron (the horizontal board supporting the table top) is perfect–and I mean perfect for adding hooks for garden tool storage.

before photo of pine work table sitting in driveway with trees behind, sunny day

We live in the city, so our yard isn’t sprawling, but we do have a great patio off the back with a trellis and open real estate below it just begging for a potting bench. With the raised garden beds just around the corner of the house, and the dining table/grill on the patio as well, the potting bench will come in handy not only for planting, but also as a food and drink buffet when we can all get together again.

backyard, brown brick paver patio, beige stucco house, sage green potting bench, wood dowl hooks, grid trellis mounted above potting bench, black screen door, farm light above door, terra cotta pots, vines climbing up trellis, garden tools on potting bench
sage green potting bench against beige stucco home exterior, terra cotta pots, garden tools refinished with rust-oleum, berry vines climbing trellis, basil plant in white pot, brush and dust pan hanging from wood dowel hooks, potting station in garden
sage green potting bench with shaker style wood dowel hooks, backyard potting station in garden

Being that this garage table is turning over a new leaf as potting bench, (pun intended, thank you very much) a hard-working, weather resistant paint finish was an absolute must. I’ve been using Rust-Oleum on projects for decades now, and I knew they’d have a good all-weather paint in a good range of colors. I landed on Rust-Oleum Stops Rust in color Sage for its nature-inspired hue, weather-resistance, and durable finish. As well, I really love the way it plays on our warm white house color and collection of terra cotta pots.

potting station in backyard garden, sage green potting station, striped gardening gloves, roots of rosemary plant, terra cotta pots, gardening tools, sunny spring day

If it so happens you’re not in the market for a potting bench project, but still plan to get your garden-on this month, check out the refresh I’ve given our old, rusty tools at the bottom of this post. It’s a quick project that makes for some beautiful, dirt-ready tools!

Let’s talk specifics on the potting bench makeover:

male hand holding rust-oleum spray paint can, universal bonding primer, beige background, white table
white potting bench table in driveway outside, primed, dropcloth below underneath

1. With 220 grit sandpaper, sand down any rough spots the table may have. Our bench was made with rough cut lumber, so it required some minor sanding.

2. Wipe down table with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt.

3. Apply Rust-Oleum Universal Bonding Primer to the table. Note: If your table has been previously painted or sealed in some way, skip this step. Allow to dry for 2-4 hours, or until completely dry.

male pointing rust-oleum stops rust spray paint can at camera, man wearing grey shirt, working outside
hand using a pliers to hold shaker wood dowel and spray painting with clear enamel, green grass in background

4. Next, apply Rust-Oleum’s Stops Rust Spray Paint to the entire piece. Allow to dry for 2-4 hours, or until completely dry.

5. While the table is drying, seal the wood dowel pegs with Rust-Oleum’s Stops Rust Clear Enamel. Use a pliers to hold the wood pegs while you spray on all sides. Allow to dry for 2-4 hours, or until completely dry.

6. Mark wood dowel locations across the front apron of the table. Here I’ve spaced 5 dowels, 6” apart.

electric drill with 1/2" drill bit drilling hole in sage green table,
hand gluing wood dowel onto green table with wood glue, outside in backyard

7. Drill holes for the dowel pegs using an electric drill fitted with a ½” drill bit.

8. Apply wood glue to the recessed portion on the pegs and place in drilled holes.

hunter green and metallic copper garden tools refinished with Rust-oleum spray paint, sitting on sage green potting bench tabletop, view from above, terra cotta pots, rosemary plant with roots exposed, striped garden gloves, pot of succulents, basil plant, potting soil spilled
rusty, dirty, old garden tools, weathered wood handles, brown brick paver background

Garden Tool Refresh

Give tired garden tools a fresh look and corrosion-resistant finish with this quick makeover!

male hands use purple sand paper to remove rust from old garden tool, green grass background
garden tools spray painted with Rust-Oleum Rust Reformer, white drop cloth background

1. Lightly sand rusted areas of tools.

2. Rinse and dry tools to remove dust.

3. Spray paint tools with Rust-Oleum’s Rust Reformer to stop current rust from spreading and future rust from forming. Allow to dry for 2-4 hours, or until completely dry.

Note: Because the handles of a few of the tools were bare wood that would otherwise need to be primed before painting, I also coated them with Rust Reformer to act as the primer, saving an extra step. Alternately, use Rust-Oleum’s Universal Bonding Primer to prime the bare wood.

4. If painting your tools with multiple colors, use painter’s tape and a small plastic bag to prepare the tool for the first color of spray paint. Leave exposed only the areas that are to receive the first paint color.

hands holding garden tool and spray painting with Hunter Green Rust-Oleum Spray Paint, white drop cloth in background

5. Apply first spray paint color. Allow to dry 2-4 hours, or until completely dry. Remove painter’s tape.

6. Tape off remaining areas of garden tools leaving exposed only the areas that are to receive the 2nd spray paint color.

7. Apply second spray paint color. Allow to dry 2-4 hours or until completely dry. Remove painter’s tape.

8. Thread leather cording into tools that have a hole in the handle for easy hanging storage.

metallic copper and hunter green garden tools planting rosemary plant into terra cotta pot, striped navy and brown potting gloves, pot of succulents, overhead shot, sage green potting bench table in background

And that’s a wrap ladies and gents! I hope you find inspiration with these two garden-forward projects as we kick off planting season!

This post is sponsored by Rust-Oleum. Thank you for supporting brands I truly love and personally use.

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