
4 In DIY

Gifts for Him: Etched Monogram Craft Brew Growler

etched craft brew growler | francois et moi

Let’s face it. Guys can be tough to buy for around the Holidays, and my husband, Ken, is no exception. But one thing I’ve picked up on over the years, is that I can’t go wrong with anything craft brew related. What guy doesn’t love a jug of good craft beer? So I thought I’d make him a personalized etched growler and fill it with his favorite local brew. I etched our last name on the growler with etching cream, and I love how the etching turned out–a bit imperfect and aged looking. One gift down, and one more to go! Shh…don’t tell Ken!


growler sticker letters

Step 1. Set up your work area near a sink. Make sure the growler glass is clean and dry, and apply letter stickers to growler to spell the name or initials of your giftee. Press letters down firmly.

monogram growler

Step 2. Surround letters with a rectangle of painter’s tape. Press tape down firmly. Seriously. Press the tape and letters down super well to prevent the etching cream from getting underneath.

monogram growler process

Step 3. Open etching cream and give it a good stir. Apply a thick coat of etching cream over the letters, within the outline of the painter’s tape.


Step 4. Let sit for 60 seconds and rinse off cream from the top down.


Step 5. Peel off letters and tape, and wipe dry. The etching will appear more apparent once dry.

monogram etched growler

Step 6. Bring to a local craft beer tap room and fill with brew!

Step 7. Fold bar towel in quarters lengthwise, and wrap around the bottom of the growler. Wrap leather string around the towel to hold it into place. Garnish with a rosemary sprig.

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  • Aisha
    December 3, 2014 at 7:05 pm

    I love this idea!!! I was just thinking today of what I should get my hubby for Christmas, this just might be it!!! Thanks, Erin!! 🙂

    • francoisetmoiblog@gmail.com
      December 11, 2014 at 8:12 am

      Awesome! Can’t go wrong with beer, right?! I’m so loving your style posts lately – go girl!!!!

  • Megan Forsyth
    December 4, 2014 at 6:14 pm

    This would be awesome for so many projects!!!! Thank you!!

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