
1 In DIY

Hexagonal DIY Desktop Organizer

The carefree days of summer are fleeting and for many that means school is quickly approaching. ‘Back to School’ was always a bittersweet time. Was it for anyone else as well? In many ways it meant new beginnings and exciting challenges and experiences, but ‘Back to School’ also meant a structured, busy schedule and the segway into Minnesota’s seven month Winter season (which after a beautiful, carefree summer, is a hard reality to face!)

Hexagonal Desktop Organizer for Sugar & Cloth | Francois et MoiPretty school supplies, however, seemed to make the transition just a little easier and that heavy course load a bit more manageable. If you too love pretty supplies, why not make yourself a desktop organizer in which to display it all, and bonus! It’ll keep your desk tidy too!

Pop over to Sugar & Cloth for the desk organizer’s full tutorial. And happy back-to-schooling to you and yours!

Hexagonal Desktop Organizer for Sugar and Cloth | Francois et Moi Back to School Desk Organizer | Francois et Moi


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  • Emily Wignall Design
    August 15, 2015 at 10:06 pm

    adorable! I would definitely need TONS of these pretty back to school supplies if I had to endure 7 months of winter!

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