
6 In DIY

It’s a Girl!

Our " it's a girl " baby announcement!

Good Monday Morning! If we’re friends on Instagram, this will probably be old hat news to you, but I thought I’d share here on F&M that Ken and I are expecting a girl in February! Ever since we found out we were expecting, I had been CONVINCED it was going to be a boy. Ken’s immediate family is predominantly boys, and my instincts were telling me that this growing baby was a boy, so you can imagine my surprise when the ultra-sound tech told us with 98% certainty, that we were having a girl. Of course, Ken guessed ‘girl’ right from the start  –go figure!

When my parents were in town last month we snapped this baby announcement on a windy day in Minneapolis. We had a little trouble getting the balloon to behave, but we had fun with it along the way. Below are a few outtakes!


Our " it's a girl " baby announcement!


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  • Lily
    October 17, 2016 at 8:57 am


  • Melle Blanche
    October 17, 2016 at 9:12 am

    Congrats !!!
    Team girl !

  • Felicia
    October 17, 2016 at 11:05 am

    Congratulations!! I am pregnant as well and due January 7th 2017 and he are having a baby girl too! I bet you have lots of creative DIY projects for her nursery, and if so I look forward to seeing them!

    • francoisetmoiblog@gmail.com
      October 18, 2016 at 10:32 am

      Felicia! Congratulations! Our due dates are so close–I love it. We are definitely planning some DIY’s for the nursery! Congrats again!!

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