

Jewelry Refresh: Colorblock Painting

Happy Friday! In preparation for our move to the new house, I’ve been attempting to pair down things I no longer use or need.  Amidst the donation-fest, I came across an old plain, metal bracelet I hadn’t worn in ages that had been hiding at the back of my vanity. Instead of adding it to the donate pile (like I’d usually do with something I haven’t worn in over a year), I decided to test out a colorblock painting technique to see if I could give it a little facelift.

Colorblock Painted Jewelry | Francois et Moi

Turns out a little painter’s tape and spray paint worked wonders transforming this lack luster number into a statement bracelet for Fall. I think my favorite part is that this project cost a grand total of $0.00 as I had the paint and tape on hand already. (The perfect project for a broke new homeowner!) Head over to SheKnows for the detailed step-by-step!

Refresh Old Jewelry with Colorblock Painting | Francois et Moi



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