
3 In DIY

New Guest Contributor Alert: Gideon Francois

You may have seen a white-glove-sporting kitten making an appearance in some of my Instagram photos lately. So today, I’m excited to finally introduce him. Meet our 5 month old fur baby, guest contributor and project model that you’ll be seeing around these parts every once and awhile, Gideon Francois!

Gideon-Francois-cat-kittyKen and I weren’t necessarily in the market for our first kitty just yet, but when my sister-in-law mentioned she was looking for a home for a gregarious, tuxedo kitten she found hiding underneath her car down in Kansas, Ken and I both looked at each other and I asked jokingly, ‘is it time?!’

Gideon-Francois-the-catAfter hearing what a great family cat he was around our playful 3 year old nephew, and their 2 big hunting dogs, we offered to take him even without meeting him. Looking back, that was kind of a risky move, but thankfully it all worked out. He’s a playful, but oh-so-cuddly kitten who’s always got his tuxedo on, ready for his close-up!

Now that everyone is up to speed on Gideon, and since this IS a DIY and design blog, I want to share a few kitty finds: a mix of DIY’s and smartly designed toys that I’m eyeing up for our little man!

Favorite Kitty Finds | Francois et MoiHandmade Cat Cave by Agnes Felt

favorite-kitty-finds-diyDIY Scratching Post from A Beautiful Mess || DIY Pet Food Stand from Almost Makes Perfect

kitty-cuckoo-clockCuckoo Clock for Kitty via Hatch




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  • Sarah
    September 23, 2015 at 6:36 pm


  • Julie
    September 24, 2015 at 9:27 am

    Awesome!! Your kitty is so cute! Congratulations!! 😺

  • Cathy
    September 26, 2015 at 11:18 pm

    Yay Gideon, you look great in your debut! I can’t believe what a rags to riches story you have!! Alone and abandoned out in the country to now being a cover kitty for Francois et Moi! You are a very special kitty. Thank you to Erin and Kenny for giving him such a wonderful and loving home!!

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