

Our Experience Renting the Snoo Bassinet

Choosing a bassinet can be overwhelming! Read about my (unsponsored) experience using the Snoo Bassinet with my 2nd child.

Let’s talk about bassinets. With the recall of the Rock n Play (which is what we used the first time around) I wasn’t sure what to do for our second. I spent an embarrassing amount of time researching your suggestions last summer and actually had a lot of anxiety around choosing one because I didn’t want make a wrong decision. But the truth is every baby is different, so all you can do is pick one, try it and if it’s not working, try something else.

Choosing a bassinet can be overwhelming! Read about my (unsponsored) experience using the Snoo Bassinet with my 2nd child. bedroom with white walls, iron bed with blue striped comforter, navy blue diamond blanket, snoo bassinet, black cat laying on bed, baby laying on bed, natural and white striped rug, view to green grass in back yard, oak wood floors, radiator, beige bedside lamp, jenny lind side table

We decided to try the Snoo, and at first, Leo didn’t seem to like it. We put it away for a week, gave it another shot, and it has been great ever since. The Snoo senses when he’s fussing and turns on soothing noises + swaying motion. It ACTUALLY calms him down and puts him back to sleep—much of the time.

Good to Know

There’s something called the ‘Motion Limiter‘ setting that’s typically used for preemies and newborns, when less motion is needed to soothe. I’d recommend turning this feature on right away. Without it, the motion is pretty intense. We’ve had the motion limiter on the entire time, even now that Leo is no longer a newborn.

We were on the fence about renting a bassinet during the pandemic, but it arrived in pristine condition and has been worth the $140/month monthly cost, in our opinion.

On the flip side, I do have friends whose babies didn’t like the Snoo at all, so it’s crap shoot, I guess, but all you can do is try something and go from there!

Btw, this is NOT sponsored. Just sharing whats working in case you’re just as confused about bassinets as I was. I hope this has been helpful!

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