
3 In DIY

Simple Skull Vase

How far before Holidays do you typically decorate? For me it totally depends on the Holiday. For Christmas, it’s a month-long extravaganza, but for Halloween, it’s much less of a production, just a few decorations and pumpkins, so it all comes out the weekend before.

Skull Vase DIY | Francois et MoiThis year will be a fun one, because it’s our first time handing out candy to trick-or-treaters…ever! We’ve been renting in apartments for over a decade, so it’ll be fun to celebrate Halloween in our new home and check out the neighborhood costume display!

arrange-flowers3I made this skull vase from a styrofoam skull I found at the craft store on sale for $4.99 as part of our Halloween repertoire this year, but I like it so much, I might leave it up even after the Holiday passes. Check out the tutorial at Homedit.

And Happy Halloween!



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  • Morgan Gifford
    October 29, 2015 at 12:30 pm

    This is cute-Halloween or not it’s an awesome and edgy vase. I’m with you though, decorating for Christmas starts right after Thanksgiving and lasts until New Year, while Halloween is more like…carve a few pumpkins, hang a few lights and call it a day.
    The Rad Wife

  • Stupendous DIY Halloween Vases That Will Fascinate You - Top Dreamer
    October 1, 2016 at 6:06 am

    […] Photo via: francoisetmoi.com […]

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