
6 In Interiors

Baby Francois’ Modern Nursery

Minimal meets classic in this modern nursery. Come take a look around and see how this last minute baby’s room came together!

cover photo, baby's room, nursery, white walls, dark walnut doors, persian rug, beige drapery, modern bassinet

With the projects that stacked up this summer/fall from taking over our duplex’s apartment unit upstairs, our son, who is due on Saturday, (Nov. 2020), his room has been inadvertently left to the last minute. From what you’re telling me on Instagram though, this isn’t unusual for a 2nd kid. So thank you for curbing my mom guilt. LOL.

nursery, kids room, blue and orange persian rug, ship mobile, beige drapery, radiator, modern bassinet, walnut dresser, white painted walls

So much of this room is hand-me-downs from Sylvia, and generally from around the house and storage. This rug has lived in our living room for the last 7 years. It’s only 6.5′ x 8.5′ in size, so it always was a little too small for the living room, thought I love it so much it didn’t really bother me.

I was excited though to move it into the babe’s room as I think the deep tones, and loud pattern are really grounding in here–not to mention a much better fit, size-wise.

This room used to be Ken and my room (this little house of ours doesn’t have a master, but it does–thankfully–have three bedrooms all on one floor. All to say–the drapery are leftover from when this was our bedroom. And the bubble ceiling light we had in storage, once in our daughter’s room.

nursery, blue and orange persian rug, beige blackout drapery, radiator, walnut dresser, tuxedo cat, blue and white geometric blanket, ship kite mobile, modern bassinet, bubble ceiling light

We did incorporate a few new pieces in here though! The walnut dresser, doubles as a changing table. I love the way the mid-tone veneer bridges the dark wood doors with the lighter, neutral tones.

nursery, white painted walls, walnut dresser, changing pat, black tuxedo cat, vintage art, peg rack
white walls, ship kite mobile, persian navy and orange rug, striped pouf, dark wood door, beige blackout drapery, blue and white blanket, modern bassinet, pennant,

Baby Francois will eventually take Sylvie’s crib, but at the moment, she still uses it as a toddler bed, and you couldn’t pay me enough to transition a 3 year old into a big girl bed simultaneously with a newborn. (haha) So for now, everyone is staying put which is why we have the bassinet in here.

We’re trying the Snoo Bassinet amid mixed reviews, and did the monthly rental option, just in case.

white painted walls, renoir poster, white bookcase, grey recliner, striped pouf, persian rug, dark wood door, wood table lamp,

At the other end of the room, we have the gilder/recliner paired with a bookcase. Yes–you read that right: recliner. I never thought I’d own one, but we’re definitely going for comfort and practicality with baby #2! All things considered, this one is pretty cute!

We have a similar chair/bookcase/lamp setup in our daughter’s room, and it works great to hold all the things: bottles, pump, pacifiers, books, toys, etc.

renoir poster, white painted walls, modern wood table lamp, pothos plant, nursery, kids rooms, wood toys, toddler books


So that’s the skinny on our design-on-the-fly modern nursery! Here are all the sources, in case you see something you like!

walnut dresser | bookcase | lamp | recliner | stool | blanket | ship kite | bassinet | peg rack | Renoir poster | bubble ceiling light

As always, thank you for taking time to hop over and read. I SO appreciate you!

More Kids Room Inspiration:

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  • Beth
    November 13, 2020 at 7:28 am

    Adorable…and sophisticated! A room for Baby to grow in with such stylish pieces. Good luck and enjoy your new bundle of love! Such a special time!

    • francoisetmoiblog@gmail.com
      December 30, 2020 at 4:42 pm

      Thank you so much Beth! That was my thought exactly for his room. Happy New Year!

  • Irene
    November 13, 2020 at 9:02 am

    Such a beautiful space! I particularly love that you repurposed items and that apart from the crib it could just as easily be a den/reading nook rather than a nursery. Nothing wrong with nurserys that scream “baby” but this feels so fresh (and attainable!). Looking forward to channeling this as inspiration in a few months for our first baby’s nursery.

  • Melle Blanche
    November 13, 2020 at 10:37 am

    Beautiful room ! Your purchases are timeless and chic, over the years you can change rooms without worry.

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