
2 In Interiors

Thrift & Vintage Shop Favorites in Minneapolis

I’m all about mixing in vintage with handmade, as I think together they add depth and personality to our homes. And when I’m feeling extra inspired, I even use thrift store finds in my DIY projects because pourquoi pas, n’est pas?

When we lived in the North Loop, I’d drive by the Salvation Army every day on my way home from work and would stop in (maybe a little too) often to check out their new arrivals. What’s great about the North Loop’s Salvation Army is they essentially have two stores wrapped into one. The main floor is the donation thrift shop that they sell “Buy the Pound.” The lower level is all of Target Corp’s prototypes, props, strike-offs, and (I’m guessing) over runs, so it’s all new pieces that didn’t necessarily make it to market. 

Thrift & Vintage Home Shops in Minneapolis | Francois et Moi

We’re lucky to have so many awesome thrift and vintage resources at our fingertips in Minneapolis, and since I talk a lot about mixing vintage with handmade here on Francois et Moi, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite spots to shop (or dig) for vintage home goods in Minneapolis, so in no particular order:

I’m certain there are tons more great places in the Metro area, so if you have a favorite place, please share in the comments. I’m always looking for new gems to check out!

Minneapolis Thrift & Vintage Home Shops Worth a Look

Favorite Places for Vintage in Minneapolis | Francois et MoiHunt & Gather Photo via The Life Styled.



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