
4 In Interiors

Francois Renovates: Bed & Bath

This post is part of an ongoing series, Francois Renovates. Find the other posts in this series Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.

Good Monday Morning! Today I’ve got the bed & bath areas of our home to share. The bulk of our updates took place in the Kitchen, Living Room & Dining Rooms, & the Upstairs Apartment, so not a ton of work has been done in these areas, shy of setting them up functionally. But, I think it’s fun seeing how other people live (because I’m nosy!), so I’m sharing the bed & bath areas of the home in case you’re anything like me!

Next on my to-do list is to paint (or maybe wallpaper?!) our bedroom. It’s the same color as when we purchased the place, so I’m not sure of the color name, but I call it builder beige. While it’s innocuous, this room faces North, so I’d like to brighten the walls up in here a bit. I think Ken is enjoying the fact that it’s one of the only rooms in the house that’s not white. I, of course, feel the opposite. When in doubt, paint it white I say!

Francois Renovates: Bed & Bath  Francois Renovates: Bed & Bath

Francois Renovates: Bed & Bath  Francois Renovates: Bed & Bath

The Bed & Bath Areas of Our New Home

The personality of the original bathroom floor tile was one of the things I fell in love over when we bought this house. It’s just not something that’s easy to find these days. Someday, I’d love to replace the vanity with a console similar to this bad boy, switch out the sconces to something more modern, and update the faucet/hardware to unpolished brass. All in due time though. Due time.

Francois Renovates: Bed & BathFrancois Renovates: Bed & Bath

Francois Renovates: Bed & Bath

My studio is another spot in the house that hasn’t gotten a ton of love yet, other than getting a fresh coat of Benjamin Moore “White” on the walls. Now that I’m looking at this photo, I’m realizing just how badly this space is in need of a big rug. But for right now the brightly lit space is purely functional, and I’m choosing to be okay with that.

If I’m really telling the whole story, we also have a 3rd bedroom that functions as a guest room and storage room equally. Nothing to see there, as of yet. We’ll get there though!

Francois Renovates: Bed & BathPIN-IT-later4Francois Renovates: Bed & Bath


Duvet | Striped Pillow Cases | Mini Medallion Pillow Cases | White Dresser | Sheepskin | Murano Mirror: Discontinued–Here’s a Similar One | Studio Dresser | Gold Stapler | Stool | Palm Tree

DIY PROJECTS: Brass Sconces | Gratitude Banner | Concrete Trays | Pink Floor Mirror | Work Table

This post is part of an ongoing series, Francois Renovates. Find the other posts in this series Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.


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  • jesselyn
    January 25, 2016 at 10:36 am

    I think I need the linked to the floor mirror DIY! I have been looking for the perfect affordable mirror and no dice, this would be perfect! (Right now it linked to the NM quatrefoil mirror)

    • francoisetmoiblog@gmail.com
      January 25, 2016 at 11:15 am

      Hi Jesselyn! The link to the pink mirror tutorial is fixed! Thanks for letting me know. Happy DIY-ing!

  • Megan Stockhausen
    January 25, 2016 at 12:23 pm

    Hi! Beautiful post. Where did you get the gold reading lamp? Thanks!

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