
In Interiors

Going Vertical: 10 Chic Wall Vases

Let’s hear it for the wallflowers! Turn backyard flowers and foliage into wall decor with these ten chic wall vases. Plus, my favorite spot to hang them!

cover image of wall vase hung above iron bed, greyed image with white text

Hello Summer! ‘Tis the season for decorating with backyard flowers and foliage. This past weekend I brought dill flowers in from the garden and hung them in a wall vase above our headboard inspired by Kinfolk Table. I’ve been enjoying them so much I pulled together a round-up of wall hanging vases from my Pinterest boards in case you’re feeling the urge to create some vertical foliage magic of your own!

round-up of wall vases

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten

Below is the 5″ vase I have hanging above my bed. I didn’t include it in the round-up image (above), because the way they styled it with plastic flowers, it doesn’t quite go with the vibe of the other vases–lol–but this is the one I have. It’s globe-shaped, but the backside is flat so it sits nicely flush against the wall. They also have a 7″ version of this vase that I think might be an even better size for above the bed.

glass globe wall vase with plastic pink flowers
round glass wall vase with dill flowers hanging above iron bed, white painted walls, white pillow cases, blue velvet throw pillow, ivory lamp, blue and white diamond coverlet
bedroom with iron bed, blue diamond coverlet, wall vase above bed, white painted walls, jute and wool striped rug, antique bedside table, white pillowcases, striped duvet cover

So that’s the skinny on wall vases. Which one is your favorite?

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