
In Travel

Travel’s Eve


It’s hard to believe we leave for Paris tomorrow. Eeek! From the day I stepped off the plane 8 years ago, post-return flight home from a 6 months study abroad in London, I’ve been yearning to go back. It’s true what they say about how travel changes you. It opens your eyes to the beauty and adventure that’s out there in this big world, sometimes forcing you out of your comfort zone and helping you celebrate new experiences and differences in people, scenery, food, and ways of life. When I arrived back home in 2006 I had a new view, a different, richer lens in which I saw my “everyday,” noticing things I’d become immune to, and appreciating them in a new light. My time in London (and Europe) shaped my daily American life, and I took comfort in my fantastic memories knowing I wouldn’t be back for awhile.

8 years later, and I’m ready and hungry for this trip more than ever; I’m a different person than I was at 20 years old. I’ve begun to grown into myself, and I know who I am so much more than at 20 when (as I look back) I was really struggling to figure out who I was as a woman. And so I suspect I’ll view and experience Paris & Rome much differently than I did back then, and it will be fun to take note of those similarities and differences.

Several people have asked if I plan to blog while I’m over there, and though it’s tempting, since we have limited time and it’s Ken’s first time abroad, I really want to be present, take every second in with him, and snap tons of pictures. It will be difficult being away from my blogging routine, but also a refreshing, timely break. I will, however, be Instagramming! Join us on our journey by following me on my handle @francoisetmoiblog.

Thank you for stopping by however often you do, and I look forward to reconnecting when we get back!

Photo taken in Rome, 2006.

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  • Grandma Annie
    May 1, 2014 at 8:04 am

    I’m so happy for you and Ken. I know you will have the greatest adventure ever. ‘

    • francoisetmoi
      May 1, 2014 at 8:12 am

      Thank you, Grandma! We’ll be thinking about you while we’re over there!

  • Jennifer Francois
    May 1, 2014 at 9:39 am

    Have a wonderful trip! Bon Voyage!

    • francoisetmoi
      May 1, 2014 at 10:40 am

      Merci beaucoup, Jennifer!!!

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