
In Travel

Whale Watching in the Kenai Fjords, Alaska


Larger-than-life majestic sea dwellers, shockingly cerulean ocean and pristinely untouched landscapes. Whale watching in the Kenai Fjords is a sublimely marvelous and humbling experience that is not to be missed.

That sunny, crisp July morning we took to the sea, by way of Seward, Alaska, with Kenai Fjord Tours for an 8 1/2 hour boat trip unveiling mesmerizing glimpses of enormous humpbacks, playful porpoises, sea lions, puffins, jellyfish and the list could go on. Not to mention intimate moments with our planet’s slowly, but ever steadily, receding glaciers. An experience that couldn’t help but present a tangible reality check of the effects our of modern world.

It was an awe-evoking and educational day on the water made up of a collection of wondrous, squeal-worthy and poignant events, and ones I’m not likely to forget anytime soon!


Here’s what we packed for the day trip:

  • Light jacket + layers of clothing (tee, sweater, jacket)
  • Hat and perhaps mittens
  • Camera
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Snacks and water (Lunch and dinner are provided, but in case hunger strikes in between!)

My Auntie Karen captured some beautifully peaceful footage of two humpback whales along the Fjords. Check it out on my sparkly new YouTube Channel!

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