
In Style/ Uncategorized

Color Me Happy


Typically, I’m a neutrals girl when it comes to wardrobe and home, but there’s something about this time of year, that makes me crave color– the dirt-covered city snowbanks are diminishing, my sanding-salt-cured leather boots are feeling all too familiar, and I’m overcome with the desire to see the flower buds bloom and the green grass peek through the earth.

When I think color, Christopher Farr Cloth is quick to spring to mind. Their interior and exterior printed and woven textiles for the home celebrate pure, saturated, happy colors and playful patterns that breathe energy into any space–a welcomed influence more so than ever this time of year.

1. Peonies | 2.Intaglio | 3.Linoto | 4. Meander | 5. Inside Out

Christopher Farr Cloth is to the trade and can be sourced locally through Blended Blue in Minneapolis.

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