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Communication Nirvana


Happy Friday! I’m writing this morning, not from my laptop, but from a different device: my first-ever, shiny, new smart phone! Up until about 4 days ago, I was still using my rusty, trusty non-internet, simple phone. Remember those? One that was used solely for old-fashioned phone calls and texts.

I know it seems strange, antiquated, and almost sad, but the truth is I never felt deprived. Upgrading to a smart phone wasn’t something I felt compelled to do (until I started blogging), and since I never had one I never knew what I was missing. At home, I used my laptop. If we went on road trips, I’d bring the iPad, and if we were out and needed directions, etc. we’d just use Ken’s smartphone. I got along fine without one until my archaic phone kicked the bucket two weeks ago, and I decided if I was going to get a new phone, it was probably time for me to step into the 21st century and upgrade to a smart phone–especially with all the benefits it would have for blogging. So here I am this morning with my new iPhone 5s, and – big surprise – I love it!

Since receiving my new phone on Monday night, I’ve joined Instagram and have been posting pictures like crazy–please check me out! The Instagram widget on the sidebar to the right of this post should make for easy access.

I also downloaded the Studio app last night and am so excited to try it out! Created by several designers including Brittany Watson Jepsen (blogger behind The House that Lars Built), the app has been said to do for design what Instagram has done for photography. Rather than focusing on consumption, as most social networks tend to do, Studio focuses on creation, allowing users to create layered designs and also manipulate others’ designs to make them their own. Keep an eye out for work from me as I start to explore and indulge in this cool app!

Have a wonderful weekend everybody!

Photo Credit: Sarah Knutie

Wallcovering: Innovations, Cubism/Gris

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