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Easter at the Farm


Another week has come and gone. Easter is upon us, and we’re headed south to the Francois Family farm to celebrate the Holiday weekend with Ken’s family. It’s a 4 hour drive from here, but it feels more than a world away, a far cry from the bustling city streets of Minneapolis. Life is simpler, time moves a bit slower, and the abundant fresh air and wide open spaces welcome you in, wrap you up solitude and, like clockwork, the stress from the week begins to melt away.

Pictured are a few moments I captured last fall during a visit to the farm just after the first snowfall of the year. I’m hoping we’ll be able to detect a few signs of Spring there this weekend (Although I have a sneaky feeling the landscape may look frighteningly similar to these photos!).

Enjoy the weekend, and we’ll see you on Monday!


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  • deliciousandmichelle
    April 19, 2014 at 7:41 am

    These photos are so beautiful! Hope you don’t mind but I posted a little link to your blog – http://deliciousandmichelle.com/2014/04/19/green-newbie-blogging-awesomeness/

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