
In Style/ Uncategorized

Every Piece Has Its Place


What do you do with a 6′ airplane propeller that against all odds, you won on eBay? Well…Ken and I went back and forth, but we both agreed we wanted to keep the integrity of the piece (hence not modify it by trying to make something else out of it like a lamp–although that probably could have been cool too). So where do you hang a 6′ piece of aircraft in your 750 sf apartment?

After much deliberation we finally landed on our entry. It seems an unlikely place considering our entry is tiny, 40″ x 84″ to be precise. Not only is our entry small, prior to last spring, it lacked sufficient storage. We have a coat closet on the east wall, but again it’s quite teeny in terms of storing all the outdoor gear that comes along with surviving Minnesota winters.  So last spring, Ken and I built a coat rail out of molding and wood pegs in order to provide a spot for everyday coats and bags. We painted it white, and installed it along the west wall of our entry. Doing so created a long, horizontal expanse of white wall above the rail, and ever since, we’ve been looking for just the right thing for this space. Turns out, adding the coat rail carved out the perfect place to hang a giant airplane propeller–only we had no idea at the time!

I’m a huge fan of interiors that feel collected and curated over time and ones that are a true reflection of the people who live there. I love the unexpectedness of a propeller in our entry and the tie it has to my husbands love of flying. Though this apartment is only temporary for us, it’s important to me that we feel happy in this space for as long as we call it home.


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  • Saknut
    February 18, 2014 at 10:01 am


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