
In DIY/ Party/ Uncategorized

Handmade Gift Round-up

You may have noticed that I made an extra effort to make a lot of gifts, rather than buy them, this year. ‘Why,’ might you ask? Simply put; I just really enjoy the process. Everything from the ideation to the construction, I love the design challenges and the satisfaction of having something tangible to show for my time. It makes it all the more rewarding too, knowing that the recipient can actually use or enjoy the end result–and I made it!

Knowing that I wanted to make gifts this year, I came up with a strategy, a schedule of sorts, mid-way through October as to when and how I could make them, so that I wouldn’t be overwhelmed and overloaded with my hands thrown up in the air at the eleventh hour.  I did my best to stick to the schedule, and it helped me keep my eye on the prize throughout the fall. In case you missed a post, or are just finding Francois et Moi, below is a collection of the gifts I made this year…


From left to right, top to bottom: a. Indigo Tea Towels, b.  Lavender Sachets, c. Salted Bourbon Caramels, d. Vanilla Extract, e. Paperwhite Bulb Kit,  f. Tartan Scarf

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  • Cassie
    December 21, 2013 at 5:57 pm

    I love all of these things. The people you love are going to be so happy.

    • francoisetmoi
      January 23, 2014 at 2:36 am

      Thanks Cassie! I’m so impressed–you’ve already read 5 books so far this year!? Go you!

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