
In Living Simply/ Uncategorized

Happy (Labor Day) Weekend!


Lately, I’ve been working on some bigger DIY projects , new marketing strategies for Francois et Moi and also trying to relish every last moment left in summer. So of course something’s got to give and thus I’ve temporarily lightened my posting schedule to three times a week and am feeling pretty darn guilty about it. I love the daily posting schedule, and will get back to it in September, but right now it’s gotten to be overwhelming especially with a  full-time day job. Thanks for stickin’ with me during this growing moment for F&M!

And with that note, Happy Friday and Labor Day weekend! What are your plans?! Heading to the cabin? Relaxing at home? I’m pretty excited; we’re headed to Ken’s Family Farm for their annual honey harvest. My father-in-law is a hobby bee keeper, so we’ll be extracting and bottling honey and scheming up all kinds of creative ways to use it! Herb infused honey, beeswax candles, Bit O’ Honey Candy, uffda! the possibilities are endless! Do you have a favorite recipe involving honey? Please share!

Have a wonderful Holiday weekend however you plan to spend it!

Photo via Kinfolk.

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  • rosiepuddingpie
    September 2, 2014 at 4:49 am

    Jealous! I love bees, despite being scared of them when they’re flying around. Love your blog!

    • francoisetmoi
      September 2, 2014 at 8:13 am

      Thanks Rosie! Agreed–bees are terrifying. I’m only okay with them if I’m in a bee suit!

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