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Last Minute Costume: Jimmy Fallon’s Tight White Pants


Do you have your Halloween costume cued up?

If you haven’t checked out the Jimmy Fallon skit with Will Ferrell singing about their “tight pants,” today is your lucky day. Take two minutes, you won’t regret it!

Halloween is less than two weeks away, and what would be funnier than to put on your tight pants and hit the costume scene dressed like one of these guys?! Or better yet, grab your man (or bff) and rock it as the dynamic duo.

I’ve listed the key sources below, but truthfully you could probably hit up your neighborhood Goodwill or thrift store and find almost everything you need. The only thing you might want to order is the bowl cut wig, so hop to–Halloween is coming up quickly!

Already have your costume planned? What are you going to be?!



Bowl Cut Wig | Tight White Pants | Striped Mock Turtleneck | Ankle Boots 

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  • Sandi
    October 20, 2014 at 8:19 am

    That is hilarious! That would make a great costume! Thanks for making my day!!!

  • Caitlyn
    October 20, 2014 at 9:16 am

    That was our back-up plan!

  • Jenni @ The Common Creative
    October 20, 2014 at 9:16 pm

    Oh my. This is genius. And I thought my Target Lady costume would be original… This takes the cake!

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