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Let the Countdown Begin!

I’m so very excited to announce that Ken and I have finally booked our flights abroad for a two week journey to Paris, Zermatt, and Positano this coming Spring! It’s been 7 years (7 years!) since I spent a semester studying design in London, and I’ve been itching to go back abroad ever since. It will be Ken’s first time in Western Europe, and I’m brimming with excitement just thinking about sharing this experience together.

The plan is to fly into Paris in early May, take the train down through the Swiss Alps, stop off in a few quaint mountain towns along the way, and eventually land on the Amalfi Coast for few days before flying home out of Naples.

The accommodations and subsequent travel details have yet to be planned, so if you have a favorite place to eat, stay, see, or shop, please share! I’ve been to Paris a handful of times, but the Swiss Alps and the Amalfi Coast are entirely new to me. Here’s to 170 days and counting!


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  • ninargraham
    November 13, 2013 at 2:21 pm

    This is my favorite hotel in Paris: http://www.paris-hotel-tulipe.com/. It has charm for days and is very close to the Eiffel Tower. Bernard, the proprietor, is a great guy. You would really love Le Musee de la Chasse et de la Nature (http://en.parisinfo.com/paris-museum-monument/71275/Mus%C3%A9e-de-la-Chasse-et-de-la-Nature). It’s the twee-est thing on this earth. The Musee Carnavalet, the museum of Paris’ history, is free and has lots of cool things, like a lock of Marie Antoinette’s hair (http://www.carnavalet.paris.fr/). And of course you must go to Laduree (www.laduree.com) for macarons. My favorite shop is the one in St. Germain on the Rive Gauche, which has a blue velvet tea room upstairs. I have lots of other tips if you want them!

    • francoisetmoi
      November 13, 2013 at 2:27 pm

      Amazing. Thank you Nina!!! I’d love to hear any and all Paris morsels you’re willing to divulge, and will email you separately. Thank you again!

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