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Local Purveyors to Explore


Wow, what a crazy week it’s been. I feel like I plopped down my suitcase in our apartment on Sunday night (after flying home from Chicago), blinked and it was the next weekend!

Reflecting on the few days we spent in Chicago, one big thing I took away was how much I really enjoyed and appreciated the locally-owned shops we visited for their commitment to originality, as well as, their support for independent designers and artisans. With sky-high rent and big box competition, I’m sure it’s not always easy being the little guy or gal on the block.  So now that we’re back home, I’m motivated more than ever to really explore the local, inde shops Minneapolis and St. Paul have to offer. To start, there 3 main shops on my “Must Explore List,” (and honestly I’m a little embarrassed I haven’t been yet) but as they say, better late than never!

Do you have a favorite local boutique? Please share!

Photo via MSP Mag.

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  • tqdcamille
    March 14, 2014 at 10:38 pm

    Foxglove Market and Studio in St. Paul on Grand Avenue is sweet and adorable. Plus the owner does beautiful bouquets only using locally grown flowers. And next door is The Golden Fig, a tiny, upscale food market. The Foundry is darling. Only been there once, but reminded me of Europe or the Lower East Side in NYC.

    • francoisetmoi
      April 10, 2014 at 7:48 am

      OMG. I can’t wait to check Foxglove Market and Studio out. Thank you for the suggestions! Hope you’re having a great week so far. Cheers to Spring finally arriving!

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