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North Town Bound


A very happy Friday to you! What do you have on the books for the next few days? Ken and I are heading north to my hometown, Duluth, MN for a weekend with family on Lake Superior. Did you guys hear Duluth recently won Outdoor Magazine’s Best Towns 2014 Contest? Located on a hill overlooking the largest freshwater lake (by surface area) in the world, Duluth’s water sports, hiking trails and beautiful views are endless!

And speaking of outdoor activities, Grandma’s Marathon, an annual road race along Scenic Route 61 which draws runners from all over the globe, takes place this weekend. If you’re looking for a fun, summer activity, join us in heading up to Duluth to cheer on the runners followed by a micro-brew pint at Fitger’s Brewhouse! #duluthisacoolcity

Whatever you decide to do, make it a great summer weekend!


Photos by Eric Lundgren, wedding photographer extraordinaire!

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  • tangabirdd
    June 20, 2014 at 8:28 am

    The Fitgers tower reminds me of you wedding. Enjoy your weekend. I hope the weather is good for the Marathon.

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