
In Style/ Uncategorized

Persian Dream


As I mentioned last week, in a moment of pure cabin fever, Ken and I purchased a new area rug for our apartment!

We moved into our apartment 4 years ago, and for four years, I’ve really kind of hated the beige carpet that runs throughout the place. Though it was installed new just before we moved in (so it was very much clean), there’s no getting around the awful truth that we have a cheapo, cut-pile, beigey-with-a-hint-of-pink carpet situation on our hands.

So it was obvious from day 1 that the carpet was an eye sore, but at the time we thought we’d purchase a home and be moving on within a year or two, so we decided to hold off on purchasing an area rug for our living room and  wait until we were in a more permanent situation to invest.

Well somewhere along the line we decided to hold off on buying a place until we had a killer down payment, so we continued to save, save, save and just never addressed the area rug situation in our living room. Honestly, after 4 years, I kind of blocked out the apartment carpet, and really just quit “seeing” it after awhile…until 2 weekends ago.


Have you guys ever been to eSaleRugs? They have an incredible selection of rugs, particularly vintage Persian wool rugs, and so when I saw they had a 50% off Winter Sale going on (the sale is still on!), with free shipping and free returns, Ken and I decided it was time.

Our furniture is neutral for the most part, so we decided to go a little bolder and select a predominantly blue/navy rug that would help ground our linen sofa. The rug we went with is a 30-year-old Hamedan Persian Wool Rug. It arrived in pristine condition, and I love the way it defines the space.

Today I’m just sharing a few shots of the rug, and trying my best not to include the apartment carpet! I’m reserving the large room shots for after we can tick off some of our ‘Spring Sprucing’ checklist items. (We have some painting planned for this room!)

Have a great day, everyone!


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