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Scandinavian Holiday Home

When it comes to decking the halls, I’m a strict, no-tree-before-Thanksgiving kind of girl because I think decorating beforehand, waters down Thanksgiving, skipping right over “The Day of Thanks” to focus on the next holiday. (This stance is heavily debated at our house, because if you ask Ken, Christmas can’t come soon enough!) However, now that we’ve wrapped up Thanksgiving, I’m all for decking out our place for the Holidays. As I’ve mentioned before, I love Scandinavian design and love incorporating the look into our decorating repertoire through natural elements, classic clean forms, and cozy accents. Below are some of my favorite ideas for bringing the Scandinavian Holiday look home.Scandinavian-Holiday-Home

1. Swedish Star Lantern, 2.Berry Branches, 3. Simple DIY Wreath, 4. Faux Fur Throw, 5. Felt Ball Garland, 6. Strala Candelabra, 7. Rosemary Napkin Garnish, 8. Homemade Ornaments, 9. Cloved Oranges, 10. Amaryllis Bulbs

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  • natella111
    December 4, 2013 at 10:14 pm

    Love these decorations, especially the star! 🙂

  • salpal1
    January 4, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    beautiful! I agree with you about the timing of Cristmas decorations, although this year, it was a short season! I also fight to keep things up until the 6th, because Christmas is just the beginning. 🙂

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