
In DIY/ Uncategorized

Snow Day!


Growing up in northern Minnesota, I have fantastic “snow day” memories from childhood. In their earliest form, snow days could be summed up in bib snowpants, Sorels, snow angels, sledding parties, marshmallow adorned hot cocoa, and the liberating feeling that you had the whole. day. off. from school to play and play and play some more.

In anticipation of the laughable amounts of snow that would inevitably “shut down” our brave city several days every winter, our school district’s calendar year was always a few days longer, than schools to the south of us, to account for such weather related cancelations. And though we used the term “shut down,” we hardly let extreme weather stop us from getting out and reveling  in our transformed city’s fresh snowfall.

Now that I’m older and have moved away,  snow days are fewer and far between, so Ken and I make a concerted effort to enjoy the snow when we can, especially on the weekends. Last Sunday, it snowed all day, so we decided to hit our neighborhood ski hill to enjoy the snowfall and get our “ski legs” back for our annual Lutsen ski trip later this winter.


To wrap up all this snow day talk, I thought I’d share a fun and handy idea to keep fingers and toes toasty warm during all the snowy days headed our way:


Check out Armommy’s site for the quick and easy tutorial.

Photo via Armommy.

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  • Ken Francois
    December 13, 2013 at 10:41 pm

    I can’t wait for the next Snow Day!

  • SLCsister
    December 18, 2013 at 1:37 am

    This would go great with the lavender hot chocolate. I can’t wait until you guys can come out to Utah for some REAL skiing 😉