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Winter Bucket List: Update

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Now that we’re nearing the end of winter–and we are nearing the end, right?–I took a look back at the Winter Bucket List I made last fall to create things to look forward to and work towards through the dark, snowy days of winter. Though I only made it through 6 out of the 11 items on the list, I’d say the list was successful in helping me stay positive and keep perspective amidst the freeze.

As I looked at the items I completed this winter, I noticed 4 of the 6 were outdoor activities, which surprised me a little bit. Typically I’m more of an indoor kind of gal in the winter, hibernating (in a sense) from November to April. This got me thinking that maybe one of the keys to beating the winter blues is embracing an outdoor activity or two, whether it’s skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, or simply going for walks, getting outside, getting some exercise and having fun, helps the psyche tremendously. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m always happy to see the snow melt come this time of year. Cheers to the home stretch of winter!

  1. Plan the details of our Spring trip abroad!
  2. Take swing dancing lessons.
  3. Learn how to make Norwegian Krumkake for Christmas.
  4. Take a ski weekend away in Lutsen, MN.
  5. Plan a spa day.
  6. Go snowshoeing after (or during) a good snowfall.
  7. Make a wool felt ball rug.
  8. Have an impromptu sledding party.
  9. Go ice skating at Rice Park in St. Paul.
  10. Learn how to make croissants from scratch via Craftsy.
  11. Go to the St. Paul Winter Carnival.

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