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Picnic Season

Though spring is really taking its sweet time getting here, it hasn’t stopped me from ogling all the fantastic picnic gear that’s out there right now. Packing a lunch, hopping on our bikes and having a picnic by one of Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes on a Saturday afternoon is one of my favorite things to do when the weather warms up. Here are a few picnic accessories I hope to incorporate into our Saturday afternoon repertoire this season!

picnic finds | Francois et Moi

1. Portable Radio | 2. Picnic Tote | 3. A French Picnic Menu | 4. Glass Beverage Bottle | 5. Wooden Picnic Flatware | 6. Lawn Checkers | 7. Ticking Stripe Merino Wool Blanket | 8. A Perfect Day for a Picnic

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  • Malena
    May 15, 2014 at 2:56 am

    How did you make this picture??

    • francoisetmoi
      May 18, 2014 at 8:08 am

      Hi Malena! I use Art Illustrator. Happy Weekending!

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